You are here: Using MONITOR Procedures > EDI > Loading Pick Lists per Delivery Note Number

Loading Pick Lists per Delivery Note Number

In the pick list Search Form, you can enter a delivery note number in order to load the exact pick list that you want to change or update. After selecting the list type Pick list EDI/packaging you should select the following setting:

Options for loading pick lists by the delivery note number.

This way, no new order rows will be included in the pick list. This means that none of the order rows that may have been created after the pick list was saved and printed, will be included in the pick list.

Please Note! If this setting has not been selected, then the pick list will also include the added order rows. The list must then be printed again, in order for it to be picked as it should. The new rows will be marked with a plus sign at the edge of the Picked column in the pick list. Any additional text rows that have been added to the already printed pick list will not be printed this time either, since these are not saved along with the pick list.

There will be a red star in the left corner of the part row to indicate or highlight the parts that have not been priced yet.

See also:
