You are here: Using MONITOR Procedures > EDI > Clearance


You can use clearance on order rows to mark (for instance in the Order Window of the Part Info procedure), that certain customer order rows have made reservations in the stock. In order to be able to clear directly on the order rows, you must select the list type Clearance list under List settings.

The List type "Clearance list".

The first page you see - the "order view" - will use green highlighting to display the orders that can be cleared (i.e. where there is a sufficient inventory balance to deliver the order). All the deliveries that are not covered by the inventory balance, can be cleared on individual rows, which is called making a partial delivery.


The "order view" when you have selected the Clearance list type.

Double arrows to the right and left under the Window functions allow you to switch from the clearance list to the order view and back.

The sort options for the order rows, when you choose to clear directly on the customer order rows, are:

1. Already cleared orders

2. Chronological order (by date)

3. Order number

The clearance is only information, and does not lock or prevent transfers, such as when you "borrow" from one order to another. If you borrow from a cleared order, that order will lose its green highlighting in the order view.

When the pick list is saved, it will be given a delivery note number, and an export file (the basis for goods labels) to be sent to the EDI program will also be created. This only applies on the condition that the EDI settings for the customer have been configured for export, and if the customer in question has activated advising & notification. (There will also be an opportunity to put in Export notification Y/N in the image, you will then be able to enjoy complete freedom).

See also:

Adding Part Rows on Orders or Delivery Notes