You are here: Using MONITOR Procedures > Warehouse Management > Company Info

Company Info

  1. Open the Company Info procedure in the Global Settings. Some of the headings are written in italics; headings that contain company shared data that cannot be modified for the different warehouses.
  2. A button with a small green house appears under the Window functions called Change warehouse, click that button.
  3. Now a window appears where you register your warehouses. By clicking OK, the entered warehouses are created.
    Please Note!
    You cannot undo and delete created warehouses! You should therefore be absolutely sure of the number of warehouses. Please note. Registering warehouses may take quite some time if it is a large database.
  4. Please Note! Restart MONITOR directly after this input.
  5. Logon as Admin again.
  6. Go back to the Company Info procedure.
  7. If you have installed the Warehouse Management supplement, you will also have access to the tab called Transport time and terms between warehouses. There you enter transport time for each warehouse.
  8. Register any specific company information for the warehouse, for example addresses and language. The company information written in italics is common for all warehouses.

Read more under User Rights.