You are here: Manufacturing > Parts > Part List - Configuration > Printout Samples

Printout Samples

Below you will find a few samples and detailed descriptions of the different list types that can be selected under the Create tab.

ClosedConfiguration group

In the list type Configuration group the following information is shown: Part number, Name, Type, Part code, Part category, Product group and Configuration group including the name of the configuration group.

You can update the Configuration group column in the list.

Here you will see a sample of the Configuration group list.

ClosedAlternate selection text

In the list type Alternate selection text the following information is shown: Part number, Name, Type, Part code, Part category, Product group and Alternate selection text. The alternate selection text will be shown in the language selected under Alternative under the Create tab.

You can update the Alternate selection text column in the list.

Here you will see a sample of the  Alternate selection text list.

ClosedPrice formulas

In the list type Price formulas the following information is shown: Part number, Name, the part's Standard price, Supplier price (of the active supplier, net after discount), Sales price (based on the price list selected under the Create tab). You can see and update price formulas under the f(x) button. If a part already has a price formula, you will see a pound sign (#) on the button.

Here you will see a sample of the list type Price formulas.