You are here: Manufacturing > Parts > Outline


Under the menu heading Parts in the Manufacturing module, you will find procedures that deal with part functions for manufacturing. They include preparation functions and lists, as well as search forms that are related to the actual preparation. In the Preparation you create the most basic components of a system like MONITOR; product structures with the "where-used" operations and incorporated material of a part.

The sub-module Parts also exists in the other order modules Purchase and Sales, as well as in the Inventory module. There you will find part updating options and part lists that relate to each respective module.

In other words, you can create parts in several MONITOR modules. In the Manufacturing module you create parts with part numbers, names, types, unit and price, as well as preparations for manufactured parts. In the other modules you can enter additional information for parts such as prices, additional names, planning parameters, part name translations, comments, customer or supplier links etc.

Below you will find a brief description of all the procedures that can be found under the Parts menu in the Manufacturing module of a complete MONITOR system. Please note that the Replace Part procedure is a supplementary module that must be purchased separately.


This is where you create product structures of parts with incorporated operations and material.

Import / Export Preparation

In this procedure you to make mass copies of a preparation to an external memory.

Replace Part

This procedure allows you to replace the part number in BOM lists (Bill of Material lists). The old part number is then replaced with the new part number in all the BOM lists where it appears.

Measuring Points

In this procedure, you can register templates for measuring data. These templates can then be used in the Preparation procedure.

Part List - Manufacturing

This procedure contains a list with an overview of all the manufacturing information for parts.


Here you can see in which parts a certain part is incorporated (or "where it is used"). This means a part that is used as a component in one or more parts. This is displayed in a structure with overhead parts.

Consists of (Structure List)

Here you can see of which parts that a certain part consists. This procedure is usually used for main parts, in other words parts at the top level in the structure.

BOM / Operation List

Here you can see which operations and material that is incorporated or used in a part. This procedure shows what a part consists of in one level, unlike the Consists of (Structure List) procedure that can make a complete breakdown of a part into an optional number of levels.

Work Center Analysis

In the Work Center Analysis procedure you can create a list of the parts that have preparations made for a certain work center. This list displays the operations that are used for the part, as well as the time code, setup time and unit time for each respective operation. You can also change different preparation data for these parts. This may be useful if there are several parts that shall have another work center for an operation, or if you need to change the setup or unit times.

Update File / Text

In this procedure you can load a range of parts and conveniently administer linked additional text and files* for parts, operations and material.

* Linking files is included in the Document Viewing which is a Supplement to MONITOR.

Add up Weight

Here you can perform weight calculations for a selection of parts.