You are here: Manufacturing > Parts > Preparation > BOM List

BOM List

This portion of the preparation window is where you create the ClosedBOM list with material rows.

The BOM list in the Preparation.

You can add rows in the list by using Insert row or by pressing F5. In the last field, on the last row of the list, you can add more rows using either the Tab or the Enter key. (If you use Enter, you must configure that you can "go to the next field with Enter" under Settings in Customize... in the Window menu). If you want to save the rows in a different order, you can double-click on each respective heading in the BOM list to "quick-sort" the rows in the list.

You can also access the BOM list by using the keyboard by pressing Alt+S. You can right-click on a material row in the BOM list to open the Info Menu and go to the Update Part - Inventory procedure and the Weight calculation function. By using the Info menu you will find some other functions such as Insert from part selection.

Following fields are included in a material row: