You are here: Manufacturing > Parts > Selection Group List > Printout Samples

Printout Samples

Below you will find a few samples and detailed descriptions of the different list types that can be selected under the Create tab.

ClosedSelection Group

The list type Selection group shows the following information: Selection group, Name, Type, Optional, Minimum/Maximum selection and Alternate selection text exception.

Sample of a Selection group list.

ClosedSelection Group / Selection Alternative

The list type Selection group / Selection alternative shows the same information as the list type Selection group, but it also shows information about the selection alternatives for each selection group.

For each selection alternative you will find the following information: Part number, Name, For operation (FOP), Minimum/Maximum quantity, Default quantity (as fixed quantity or in percent - Extra) and Alternate preparation code.

In order for the Position and Setup quantity columns to be shown in the list, you must have configured settings regarding managing position and overflow in the BOM list during preparation under Preparation under the Manufacturing tab in the Settings procedure.

If you have checked the Addition box under the Create tab, any additions to the selection alternative will be shown in italic font. You will then see the following information for the addition: Part number, Name, For operation (FOP), Quantity and Main part.

Sample of a Selection group / Selection alternative list.


In the list type Translation, you can only translate the selection group names. Under the Create tab you select into which language the selection group shall be translated. If you don not select a language, you will be able to translate the selection group into all registered languages.

In the Name column, you will see the original name for the selection group. In the second column you will see the language code. In the Translation column you can translate the name using maximum 35 characters.

Sample of the Translation list with a selected language.

Sample of the Translation list without a selected language.