You are here: Manufacturing > Reporting > Rejection List > Printout Samples

Printout Samples

Below you will find a few samples and detailed descriptions of the different lists that can be selected under the Create tab.


The Log list shows reporting information, classified according to the selections made under the Create tab. You will see information about Reject code, Part number, Work center, Operation, Order number, Project, Date, Reject quantity and Reject cost.

When using the cost calculation alternative Allocate according to standard price, no breakdown of the reject cost is shown.


Sample of the Log list during cost calculation based on standard price, classified by Reject code.

When using the cost calculation alternative Allocate per operation, the reject cost is divided into material cost, subcontract cost and processing cost.


Sample of the Log list during cost calculation per operation, classified by Reject code.


During cost calculation based on standard price, the Total list shows only the total reject quantity and cost, classified and totaled according to the selections made under the Create tab. This list can also be viewed in chart form.


Sample of the Total list during cost calculation based on standard price, classified by Reject code.

When using the cost calculation alternative Allocate per operation, the reject cost is divided into material cost, subcontract cost and processing cost.


Sample of the Total list during cost calculation per operation, classified by Reject code.

ClosedTotal / week / month / year

If you classify by Date, you will get a better view of the reject cost over time. If you classify by Date, additional list types are available - Total per week / month / year. This list can also be viewed in chart form.

The total list, when calculating by standard price, shows the rejected quantity and the reject cost per week/month/year.

When using the cost calculation alternative Allocate per operation, the reject cost is divided into material cost, subcontract cost and processing cost.


Sample of a Total / month list, during cost calculation per operation.

ClosedMaterial Withdrawal

The Material withdrawal list shows material withdrawals that arise from rejections during manufacturing. The information shown is: Materials part number, Name, Main part’s part number, Period, Order number, Project, Reject quantity and Material cost.


Sample of a Material withdrawal list classified by Reject code.