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Under the heading Reporting in the Manufacturing module, you can perform different reporting tasks for manufacturing orders. You will also find procedures used to search for information in the Manufacturing log, Batch number list and the Rejection list.

Below you will find a brief description of all the procedures that can be found under the Reporting menu in the Manufacturing module of a complete MONITOR system.

Operation Reporting

The Operation Reporting procedure is used for occasional operation reporting after a manufacturing order has been finished or started. You can then monitor your reporting in the Order List - Manufacturing procedure, and view them in the Post-Calculation procedure. Operations are selected using a Report number, which is a unique number generated by the system for a particular order, part or operation. The report number is shown on the order documents, and it also appears in the Order List.

Material Reporting

The Material Reporting procedure is used for occasional reporting of material used after a manufacturing order has been finished or started. The reporting that takes place will deduct the stock balance for the material, and can be monitored in Order List - Manufacturing procedure and viewed in the Post-Calculation procedure. When reporting material records, you must enter the quantity used (consumed).

Comprehensive Reporting

In the Comprehensive Reporting procedure, you can perform all kinds of reporting for operations and material for a manufacturing order that has either been registered or started. You can then monitor your reporting in the Order List - Manufacturing procedure, and view them in the Post-Calculation procedure.

Quick / Rest Reporting

The Quick / Rest Reporting procedure is used for operation and material reporting after a manufacturing order has been finished or started. The reporting performed here will update the stock balance and can be monitored in the Order List - Manufacturing procedure. Quick / Rest Reporting can only report planned values for the actual time used for operations, the actual quantity used for material, etc. There will be no post-calculation difference on time or quantity. However, if the prices for the material or worked time have changed since the order was registered, you will see a price difference in the post-calculation.

Report Goods Location

The Report Goods Location procedure is used to separate this reporting from other operation reporting. You can also report goods locations in the Operation Reporting, Comprehensive Reporting and Recording Terminal procedures.

Print Transport Labels

In the Print Transport Labels procedure you can print different types of transport labels to label manufactured goods that are shipped to the subcontractor or that are arrival reported. You can also print a type of transport label used when storing the goods between operations for manufacturing orders in progress.

Final Reporting

Final Reporting is used to finish or complete orders. Once an order has been completely reported with the actual (used) time and material, the order still exists in the order register for supervision or monitoring. This means that the order register is constantly filled with completely reported orders. In order to avoid letting the order register become too big, you must perform final reporting. This final reporting can be made either on a continuous basis, or at certain intervals as needed. The important thing is to make sure the order register does not grow too big. A too large order register can be cumbersome during requirement calculation, creating order lists and other lists in the system.

Manufacturing Order Log

In the Manufacturing Order Log you can print a log over all the reporting made for operations from the three reporting procedures Operation Reporting, Comprehensive Reporting and Quick / Rest Reporting.

Measuring Data List

Here you will see measuring data for measuring points reported in the Operation Reporting, Comprehensive Reporting and Recording Terminal procedures.

Batch Number List

In the Batch Number List you can print a list of all the reporting made containing a batch number. During reporting of consumed quantity in the Material Reporting procedure, you can enter a batch number for a particular withdrawal. All the records that have been reported with a batch number are saved in a special register. This register can be saved for traceability for many years. The Batch number register can be used in many ways: for traceability from a manufacturing order to a purchase order; for traceability from a manufacturing order to another manufacturing order (so-called "stock order").

Rejection List

In the Rejection List you can print a log of the cost of all the rejects that were reported in Operation Reporting or in the Material Reporting procedures.

Delivery Reliability - Own Operations

Here you can load list of delivery reliability and rejection for own operations. The procedure is used to see how your own work centers manage to maintain the planned finish times and to see the number of rejects by the volume reported as finished.

Check Setup Times

In the Check Setup Times you can compare the planned setup times with the reported setup times from finished or partially reported operations. However, only operations reported as finished will be included in the list. The reported setup times are used as a basis to adjust the planned setup times for operations under preparations.