You are here: Manufacturing > Reporting > Material Reporting > General Information about Material Reporting

General Information about Material Reporting

Why Use This Procedure?

The Material Reporting procedure is used for occasional reporting of material used after a manufacturing order has been finished or started. The reporting that takes place will deduct the stock balance for the material, and can be monitored in the Order List - Manufacturing procedure and viewed in the Post-Calculation procedure. When reporting material records, you must enter the quantity used (consumed).

If the setting Automatic material reporting during operation reporting? has been activated, then material reporting will automatically be performed, for example, from Operation Reporting. If you also configure the Delete rest material option in some of the other reporting procedures, you can also delete any rest material there.

Sometimes the actual material consumption can be difficult to calculate during preparation, for example for raw materials such as sheet-metal. During automatic material reporting, there may be instances when the planned and quantity that was deleted afterwards does not coincide with the actual stock withdrawal. You might then need to use this procedure to go in and adjust the quantity after the fact.

If you are using several locations for one material, you must also enter from which location the stock withdrawal was made. In this case, a special window where you can select the location will open.

The material to be reported is selected using a Report number, which is a unique number generated by the system for a particular order, part or operation. The report number is shown on the order documents, and it also appears in the Order List. During material reporting, you must enter Quantity to report. If needed, you can also enter the Reported price for the post-calculation, and the number of Rejects.

If you are performing partial reporting, the system adds the quantity for each partial report made. The rest that reserves material Rest material is reduced by the quantity that was reported.

The price that is used in the post-calculation for the material is the price that was entered during reporting. The price alternatives for S-parts and P-parts that have been selected as default here, can be updated under the heading Orders under the Manufacturing tab in the Settings procedure.

It is always the Alternate unit that is used during stock withdrawals, if this has been entered for a part. Alternate unit on parts are entered under the General tab in the Update part procedure in the Inventory, Purchase or Sales modules.

Already performed reporting can be modified by reporting a negative value in the quantity field. This situation may arise if, for example, a too large quantity was entered, or an exception report will be made after Quick / Rest Reporting. The order list, stock balance and post-calculation will then be updated with the negative values that were entered here.

You can also add material here. Adding material may be necessary in some cases, for example if some screws break during assembly. By first selecting the Add material option, you will be able to select an order and a part that the material is incorporated in, and then enter the part number for the material that you want to add. You will then select the operation that the material should be used in.

Reasonability Check

This procedure contains a reasonability check that shows a warning if the value entered in the Quantity to report deviates more than twice the quantity entered in the Planned quantity.

There is also a reasonability check that is activated under the Orders heading under the Manufacturing tab in the Settings procedure. These reasonability checks are used to control if the balance is negative during reporting. If so a warning or block appears displaying the parts with negative balance.


When rejecting parts, you can also enter the rejected quantity and reject code. If you are rejecting several parts, you can specify different reject codes for different quantities by using the button to the right of the Rejects field.

If you have activated the setting called Register nonconformity from Material Reporting you can choose whether nonconformity registration for material with rejects should be done automatically or after a question has been asked. If you select the option "Basic type", an internal nonconformity will be created when an M or S part is rejected and a supplier nonconformity will be created when a P part is rejected. The option "Ask each time" means that the user can choose nonconformity type. The user can then select the basic nonconformity types for Internal and Supplier nonconformity, but also all own nonconformity types that belong to these two basic types.

Multiple Stock Locations

A part can have several stock locations. If you use multiple locations, you will here see a separate window for the report number for a part with multiple stock locations. If so, you can report material withdrawals per location.

If you have previously used multiple locations and then deactivated this setting in the Settings procedure, this window will still appear when reporting parts that still have multiple locations.

The multiple stock location window can be found in the Quantity to report field. An information field for locations will open instead if the part does not have multiple stock locations.

Multiple stock locations are activated by the setting "Use multiple locations?", under Locations under the Inventory tab in the Settings procedure. Read more about how to use multiple stock locations in the Location section in the documentation of the Settings procedure.

Window Functions

Previous report number - shows the previous material reporting number for this order. Use this button to go back to see all the previous material on this order.

Next report number - shows the next material reporting number for this order. Use this button to go forward to see all the next material on this order.

Read more about the other Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.