You are here: Manufacturing > Calculations > Post-Calculation > The Purchase Tab

The Purchase Tab

Under the ClosedPurchase tab you will find a list that contains order-bound purchases, purchase order rows that were linked to the selected manufacturing order during registration.

The Purchase tab in the Post-Calculation, the mode Only ordered, not arrived.

The Purchase tab in the Post-Calculation, the mode Only arrived, not invoiced.

The Purchase tab in the Post-Calculation, the mode final coded.

First you must check the setting Order-bound purchase under the Create tab. In the list you can see if the purchase order is ordered, arrived or final coded (please see the images in the link above).

The information shown under this tab is: Order number, Supplier code, Supplier name, Invoice number and Amount. The invoice number is only shown if a supplier invoice for the purchase order has been final coded.

You can point at the Order number and via the Info menu, by right-clicking, link to the Invoice Basis procedure.

The Info menu under the Purchase tab.

Under the Summary tab you can, in a box, see the amount of the order-bound purchase which is the amount of the purchase orders that have final coded supplier invoices. You will also see the Total cost price which is the Cost price + Order-bound purchase.

The order-bound purchase amount under the Summary tab.