You are here: Manufacturing > Calculations > Post-Calculation > The Operation Log Tab

The Operation Log Tab

The ClosedOperation log tab shows all the incorporated operations for a part, order or project.

Operation Log

For each operation the log will show the work center, employee number of the one who performed the operation, date and time of each reporting instance, planned and reported quantity, planned and reported time, planned and reported cost, planned and reported subcontracting cost, and planned and reported SC mark-up. At the bottom of the list you will see a total sum of the incorporated parameters. The time columns will always show the time in hours.

If you use the Recording Terminal in the Workshop Info module, you will also see the columns planned and reported setup time as well as indirect time. A button C is shown to the far right on every row where the operator has entered a comment when recording work (the operation).

Via the Info menu you can link to the Manufacturing Order Log procedure.

Please note that some of the columns are only shown on your screen and not on the printout.