Price Type to Compare
In the Summary you can compare a planned and reported price with a sales price. The unit price for the price alternative is multiplied by the reported quantity and added to a possible sales setup price.
The purpose is to compare planned manufacturing prices, reported manufacturing prices against a suggested sales price or an actual sales price. If you select a price type here, an additional column will be inserted in the Summary of the post-calculation. The available alternatives are:
- Actual price - the invoiced amount on a manufacturing order. The comparison to actual price is possible if the manufacturing order is linked to a customer order.
- Customer price - the sales price entered on a customer link.
- Mean price - the mean price (MP) for purchased parts that is calculated in the Calculate Mean Price procedure in the Inventory module.
- Average sales price - the average value of the sales price from the 10 latest invoicing records. The Average sales price is updated when the invoice is printed (and approved).
- Standard price - the standard price that is saved for the part.
- Price lists - In addition to the above mentioned price types you can also choose one of the created price lists. You create price lists in the Price Lists procedure in the Global Settings module.