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General Information about Departments

Why Use This Procedure?

In the Departments procedure you register the departments you want. A department has a higher level than a work center or individual employees, in the company hierarchy. A "work center" is a part of the factory. It can be a single machine or a group of machines, a single workstation or a group of workstations. For example, a bench drilling machine or a drilling section. For example, a department can then be the machine workshop, which consists of both drilling, turning and milling etc. It can be a foreman area, or a product workshop (in a flow-chart production system).

Why Use Departments?

The term "Department" is used in many places in the system. It allows you to see the loading per department, for example. You can also use departments to view an attendance list, create a salary basis or other functions for a department.

You can link nonconformities to departments, and thereby create a follow-up on the cost of poor quality per department.

What Information Does a Department Contain?

The department register is a simple register. For the department you enter code, name and the warehouse to which the department belongs (if applicable). Warehouse Management is a supplement to MONITOR.

If you rename a department, the department name will also be changed for the employees that are linked to it.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.