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Printout Samples

Here are a few printout samples of the list types available in this procedure.


The Standard list is divided into sections for In progress, Priority planned and Not priority planned operations. These sections can be excluded under the Create tab.

At the bottom of the list, you see a total quantity and time for those operations that are in progress, that have the previous operation finished and those whose previous operation is finished and whose material has been cleared. There is also a total rest quantity and time.

Sample of a Standard list.

ClosedWith bar code


Sample of a With bar code list.

This list type differs from the Standard list by showing the report number as a bar code. This way, operators can directly select an operation from the printout by using a bar code scanner.

ClosedDelegated work


Sample of a Delegated work list.

This list type is used to show operations that have been delegated to individual operators in the Priority Planning procedure using the feature Delegate. The list shows which operators (sorted by employee number) have been delegated operations.


Sample of the Tools list type.

This list shows tools linked to operations, and whether or not they have been ordered or not. The idea is that the "Tool status" field should be able to be used to order and withdraw tools. You can also update the Tool status from the Priority Planning procedure.