You are here: Manufacturing > Reporting > Material Reporting > Reported Price

Reported Price

Here you will see the price that is valid for this part at the time of the reporting. This price is saved to the post-calculation. You can change the price if needed. The default price alternatives for S-parts and P-parts are entered under the heading Orders under the Manufacturing tab in the Settings procedure.

Please note that the price in the field is calculated by the system and displays the mean price. That is, if you previously reported one piece at the standard price 10 SEK and now reported one additional piece at the standard price 14 SEK this field will display 12 SEK. This is the price that will be saved to this material row on the manufacturing order.

If you enter a price manually in this field, that price will instead be used as the mean price for all reported withdrawals so far of this part. That is, the price does not apply to this unique withdrawal but is instead used as the order's price each for this part.