You are here: Manufacturing > Reporting > Material Reporting > The Material Reporting Window

The Material Reporting Window

In the upper part of the window you must first choose one of the following reporting types, Report existing material or Add material. In the first case you select a report number; and in the second case you select an order number.

Once you have loaded a Report number, the window will display a number of information fields regarding the material. To the right of the report number field you will find the Order number, Part number that the material is incorporated in and the Material part number that is the part number for the material in question. If you have selected Add material, these fields are activated instead of the Report number. The For operation field is also activated and the Existing operations... button is shown. There you can see which operations that exist for the selected part.

During reporting you enter Quantity to report, Reported price, Rest material, and if any Rejects and Reject code. You can manually enter Batch number by using the button to the right of the field.

You will also see information about Planned quantity, Previous reported quantity, Location and Stock balance. You will not see the Location field if the part has multiple stock locations. In this case, you will see a separate window in the Quantity to report field. At the top portion of the window, a text will show whether multiple locations are active.