You are here: Manufacturing > Reporting > Material Reporting > Rejects


If a material has been wrongly processed and must be rejected, this is where you enter the reject material quantity that should be added to the order. If you enter a reject quantity here, you must also enter a reject code. Reject codes are updated in the Reject Codes procedure in the Global Settings.

If there are different reasons for rejecting the material, you can use the Several reject codes button to the right of the quantity field . This button shows a window that can be used to enter a reject code and quantity for each row. If needed, you can delete the selected row by using the Delete row button.

The Several reject codes window.

Any material that has regarded as rejected right from the stock withdrawal and that is later rejected, should be reported in the Unplanned Stock Movement procedure in the Inventory module.

Rejected material should be reported for the operation in, for example, the Operation Reporting or Comprehensive Reporting procedures.

Please note. You can only enter one reject code per location for a material with multiple locations. In that case, the Several reject codes button will not be available. If you want to enter several reject codes when using multiple locations, you can only make one reporting per location for the same report number.