You are here: Manufacturing > Orders > Adding / Replanning > General Information about Adding / Replanning

General Information about Adding / Replanning

Why Use This Procedure?

This procedure is used when you need to add or replan operations, incorporated parts or materials for an already registered manufacturing order. An example can be when you have more customer-specific products or when you manufacture products in several different versions, and you can usually only make a preliminary preparation.

For subcontract purchase orders you can enter if you have received an order confirmation and you can also enter an order confirmation date.

The adding or replanning of operation or material that is done in this procedure are planned and will arise if a construction modification or alternate modification is made so that a registered order does not correspond with the new preparation for the product.

An unplanned addition to an operation or material should instead be made in one of the reporting procedures, such as Operation Reporting or Material Reporting respectively.

Any correction or adjustment of already reported values regarding operations or material shall be done in one of the reporting procedures. There you can even enter negative values to reduce reported values.

Under Create you select a manufacturing order for which you want make an addition or perform replanning. You can then modify under Info, and also under the operations rows and material rows respectively.

Under the structure map, in the lower left portion of the window, the incorporated parts at all levels for an order are shown in chart form. The status of each part is shown using different symbols.

Reasonability Check

When you delete an operation row or material row a warning appears when saving if there is any reported time or reported quantity on the row.

If an operation is added after the last operation (the operation with transfer to stock), a warning appears if the operation that previously was the last operation has been reported with transfer to stock.

If the work center is changed on an operation row or if a part is changed on a material row, a warning appears if there is any reported time or quantity on the row.


You can make an addition when there have been changes made to the preparation after the order was registered, or when a specific order should have a unique operation or a unique material. An addition creates loading or material reservations. If you want the addition to be treated as a post-calculation difference, you should not enter the planned quantity or time here. In this case, the system will not create any reservations or loading.

Synchronizing with a Preparation

You can also synchronize this with a preparation, which will automatically adjust all the operations and parts on the order, according to the preparation. Synchronize with Preparation is selected over the BOM list or the operation list via the Info menu when you right-click in the list.

For example, if a structure part has been added to the preparation, the system will also explode this part on the existing order.

If an operation or part has been deleted or modified, this will also be done on the order. You will get a warning if you want to delete already performed reportings for operation or material rows.

Operations that are added to an order during synchronization, will be included in the diff list.

You can print the additional manufacturing order documents for added parts on an order separately in the printout procedure, using a separate alternative.


You can replan existing operations in the order register when the prerequisites have changed on the preparation that the order was registered on.

When replanning the quantity, time, planned finish period or work center for an operation, the pre-calculated values will be changed in the post-calculation. Even the loading will be changed according to the replanning performed here. Please note that material reservations linked to an operation will be given a changed requirement date, also known as the "required by" date when you change the planned start period for the operation.

When replanning the capacity factor, overlap time or queue time for an operation, you should always replan the order in the Register Manufacturing Order procedure in order for the changes to be applied throughout the system.

You can replan existing material records in the order register when the prerequisites have changed on the preparation that the order was registered on. When replanning quantity, the pre-calculated values will be changed in the post-calculation.

Replanning in the Loading Plan

You can also replan an entire part, order or project in the Register Manufacturing Order procedure.

You can replan an order, M-part or operation in the loading plan here and in the following procedures:

Replanning of operations only, can be done in the Orders / Work Center and Priority Planning procedures in the Workshop Info module.

Deleting Operation or Material Rows

When you delete an existing operation or material row, the system will check to see if the operation is in progress (recorded) or if there is any reported time on the operation row or quantity on the material row, respectively. If there is work in progress, you cannot delete the row at all. If reporting has been made, a warning will appear for both the operation or material rows, respectively. However, you can delete reported operation or material rows.

Save As...

A manufacturing order can be created by copying another manufacturing order. To do this, go to File and Save as.... The procedure can be used when you have made preparations for an order, or if a revision set makes the order unique, and you want to manufacture a similar order or orders.

You cannot use "Save as..." for order numbers with special characters. These characters are characters that the system uses when creating order suggestions, for example the character #. Other invalid characters are characters that are used during suggestions from simulations (!), quotes ($) or check delivery times (*).

Adjusting the Layout

The proportions between the window sections can be changed and this change can be saved per user.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.

Concept Link IconSee also: