You are here: Manufacturing > Work Centers > Update Work Center > Staffing Factor

Staffing Factor

Here you can enter a factor concerning how large a portion of the operating time is "staffed".

For completely manual work, you should enter 1.00 since each loading hour requires 1 man-hour. For two work centers that are automated and that are served by one man, you enter 0.50 on each work center. A loading of 30 hours in each work center one week, will give you a requirement of 60 hours total operating time, but a requirement of 30 man-hours.

In the loading plan, it may be useful to re-calculate or convert the loading hours for several work centers into the number of man-hours used. Orders / Work Center can also recalculate to man-hours.

A staffing factor >= 1 is multiplied with the total time. A staffing factor < 1 is multiplied only with the unit time.

This factor does not determine the pre-calculations or post-calculations, but all special considerations regarding greater or smaller staffing should be applied using the cost factors.

By activating the setting Use staffing factor exceptions for operations?, under Preparation under the Manufacturing tab in the Settings procedure, you can enter staffing factor exceptions on operations. This way you can also manage temporary changes in the staffing in the loading.