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Printout Samples

Below you can see printout samples for the available list types under the Create tab, as well as comments regarding each list type.


In the Standard list you will see the Part number, Name, Type, SO /SC mark-up exceptions*, Unit, Standard price, Operations, Materials, Last preparation modified, Total setup and Total unit time, Default label type. To the far right an X is displayed under the heading Alt. prep.* if the part has alternate preparation.

The time unit used for setup and unit times is the same as the time unit used in the preparation.

You can change the SO/SC Mark-up exceptions and Default label type.

* The SO/SC Mark-up exceptions column is shown if the setting Use SO/SC Mark-up exceptions in the System is activated, under Calculations under the Manufacturing tab in the Settings procedure. The Alt. prep. column is only shown if the setting Use alternate preparations is activated, under Preparation under the Manufacturing tab in the Settings procedure.

Sample of the Standard list.

ClosedCalculation Info

The Calculation info list partly displays the same information as the Standard list, but it also shows different cost items such as Material cost, Subcontracting cost, Setup and Unit cost as well as Lot sizes. In this list you will also see the throughput time including material procurement. The date for the standard price is shown in the column Price date. If the Standard price deviates from the Calculated price, a red exclamation mark (!) is shown in the Divergent calculation column.

The displayed information applies to the latest saved calculation that was saved with the current standard price ("A(1)" in the Type column in the window under the Saved calculations button under the Manufacturing tab in the Update Part - Inventory procedure). Parts that do not have a saved standard price calculation are not displayed in the list, so in comparison with other list types there can be fewer parts displayed in the Calculation Info list.

Sample of the left portion of the Calculation info list.

Sample of the right portion of the Calculation info list.

ClosedDrawing Info

TheDrawing info list displays the drawing number of the part, as well as when and by whom the part was created and modified. You can also edit and add drawing numbers in this list.


Sample of the Drawing info list.


The Comments list displays the same information as the Standard list, but it also shows comments entered under the Comment button in the Preparation procedure or under the same button under the Manufacturing procedure in the Update Part - Inventory procedure.


Sample of a Comments list.