Supplier Links

You can link information for one or more suppliers to a part. It is not mandatory to link a supplier and a part, in order to make a purchase. Supplier links are created as a help and are also used as useful information. The prices entered in supplier links are called "Supplier prices" in the system.

You can create equivalent links or modify existing links using the Prices button in the Update Supplier procedure. Here you do it per supplier instead of as in the Update Supplier procedure where it is shown per part.


Enter the supplier code in the column Supplier or select and load a supplier code using the PopUp feature. There should always be one current supplier or main supplier in the system, for each part. This is used to show a supplier for a part, or when selecting suppliers in order to view a part list.


The first supplier is always set as the current supplier, and is checked in the Cur. column. If you enter several suppliers, you can always check another supplier as the current supplier.


If receiving inspection shall be made using intervals, you can use the Interval button to enter:

Price / Unit

Price / Unit is the current price from the supplier, and is called Supplier price in the system. The supplier price is entered in the currency used for that supplier. This price is the default price used on orders for that part sent to this supplier. You manage supplier prices in the Price Adjustment procedure and print them in the Price Lists procedure. The unit shown depends on which unit was used under the General tab.

Staggered Price (S)

Supplier prices can be staggered, i.e. you can enter one price for a certain purchase quantity for a part and enter another price for another purchase quantity etc. This can also be called a "price ladder". You can register an unlimited number of staggered price levels for a part. This option is only available if you have activated the setting Use staggered sales/purchase prices on parts? under the heading Price Management under the System tab in the Settings procedure.

Click the button in the S column and a box appears where you can register staggered prices. In the Qty. from column you enter the minimum purchase quantity for the staggered price (which is entered in the Price column). You will also see the Currency registered for the supplier. If you have activated the setting Use Future price in price lists, customer/supplier links?, the Price column is available in which you can enter a future price.

The window where you register staggered prices for a part.

Setup Price

Here you can enter a setup price to link to the current supplier price. In other words, you can link unique setup prices for a certain part to different suppliers. This option is only available if you have activated the setting Use setup prices on parts per customer/supplier/price list? under the heading Price management under the System tab in the Settings procedure.

An alternative to using supplier linked setup prices is to enter a general setup price for the part. Read more under Setup Price. If you do not enter a supplier linked setup price, the general setup price will apply. However, if you enter zero (0) as the supplier linked setup price, the part will not get a setup price at all (regardless of what has been entered as the general setup price).

During order registration, you can include the setup price as a separate order row type 3 (Service), either using the part number as the service code or by selecting a default service code. This is activated by the settings Show part's setup price on orders/inquiries? and Service code/part number for the part's setup price, under Orders / Inquiries under the Purchase tab in the Settings procedure.


You can link a Discount to a price. An order row contains both the price and the discount, which gives you a net price. Initially the discount field is empty (NULL) for a new supplier link. That means that the discount from the discount category for the supplier is applied in the first hand, and the general discount for the supplier in the second hand. If you enter a discount value here, such as 10 for 10%, then this is the discount that applies to the order row. If you enter 0 here, no discount at all will be applied to the supplier price.

Once you have entered a discount value, you can no longer leave the field empty. If you want an empty discount field later on, you must first delete the supplier link and create a new one.

Supplier's Part Number

The supplier's part number is printed on purchase orders as a separated column called Your part number.

If the supplier is already linked to the part, the message below appears informing you that you must enter a unique value in the Supplier part number field. This must be entered for all links to the same supplier (also on existing links).

Message when registering the same supplier several times.


In this field you can enter the brand of the part.

Distribution %.

The column Distribution % is available if you have configured the setting Distribute purchase between several suppliers, under Orders / Inquires under the Purchase tab in the Settings procedure. Here you can distribute a purchase between several suppliers. You can for example distribute a purchase so that supplier A delivers 70% and supplier B delivers 30 % of the desired quantity.

For optimal use of purchase order suggestions you should use the supplier with the longest lead time as the current supplier when using the function Distribution %.


Comment is an internal price comment. It can be seen with the price in connection with order registration, and also be printed in price lists. The Modif. column shows who modified the price last and the Date column shows the date of the last price modification. This price change information is shown during order registration, price adjustments and in price lists, so that you can see how new or old a price is.

Lead Time

The Lead time is always entered in work days. By "lead time" we mean the time it takes from when we order to when we can arrival report. If you enter a lead time on a supplier link, then that is the lead time that is applied during requirements planning, instead of the lead time that is entered generally for the part under Planning info in the General tab.

Valid Through

In the Valid through column you can enter the date through (i.e. to and including) which the supplier price is valid.

Export Delivery Schedule

This field is used to manage delivery schedules for a supplier link. Here you can select whether or not a supplier link should be linked to printing delivery schedules. This field is empty by default for a new supplier link. There are three alternatives:

Fixed Order Number

This field is used to manage delivery schedules for a supplier link. Purchase order suggestions generate new order rows for the entered order number.


This field is used to manage delivery schedules for a supplier link. Here you can enter to which dock the deliveries from this supplier shall be delivered. This is a Supplement to MONITOR.


This field is used to manage delivery schedules for a supplier link. Here you can enter to which storage the deliveries from this supplier shall be delivered. This is a Supplement to MONITOR.

Alloy Cost

This field is where you enter the alloy cost/mark-up. Here you select if an extra row for the alloy cost is to be created. The alloy quantity affects the alloy cost when the purchase order is registered if this is set to Insert extra row.