General Information about Make Payments

What Does This Procedure Do?

This procedure is used to register payments of supplier invoices. You create invoices in the Register Supplier Invoice procedure. The procedure is a more manual method of making your outgoing payments. Here you can pay several invoices at a time, but only if they are paid using the same payment method.

You can also make payments in the Payment Suggestions procedure, which also allows you to let the system generate suggestions about which invoices should be paid.

At the same time that you register payments, you update the accounts payable ledger. Paid invoices are not deleted from the ledger, but remain as a paid invoice with a rest amount of zero. You can purge paid invoices in the procedure called Purging Procedures in the Global Settings module. You can do this on a regular basis as needed.

In this procedure, you can make payments via bank giro, PlusGiro, cash, write-off, LB/LBI, FB/FBI, autogiro and ISO. You can enter the paid amount in the currency of your choice. However, the currency must be registered in the Currencies procedure in Global Settings prior to use.

The way of working in this procedure is that you first enter the payment date, method and batch total (optional) at the top of the window under the heading Payment settings. If you use the batch total you can also enter an explanatory text for the payment. This text will be displayed as a voucher text during integration into the accounting.

In the lower portion of the window, under the Mark to pay heading, you can use the PopUp feature to see which invoices that are still unpaid, otherwise you can enter the consecutive number manually. If the paid amount does not coincide with the invoice's rest amount, a difference will be created that can be coded against e.g. write-off or discount. You can display (and adjust) the coding of the payment by clicking on the Coding button to the far right of the window. The system will automatically perform the correct coding of outgoing payments. This is also done for international payments, where you might have currency or exchange rate gains or losses.

By using the Move button, the F9 key or the plus key (+) on the numerical keyboard, the invoice will be moved up to the Marked to pay section. The cursor will automatically get positioned in the consecutive number field so you can register the next invoice. At the top of the window you can see how many invoices that have been paid and the total amount for the payments and how much that remains to be paid (batch rest).

When all invoices have been moved to the "Marked to pay" section, you end the registration by saving. The payment of these invoices are saved as the next available batch number. The batch number is a consecutive number that is counted up for each payment "batch" that is registered. Each batch is the same as one day's summary of payments received from the Bank giro / PlusGiro. During integration into the accounting, a separate voucher is automatically created for each batch number. The batch number field is only active if you have entered a start code in the Number Series procedure in the Global Settings.

The payments that you register here as LB/FB payments will only create a basis used to notify the bank giro / PlusGiro system. The bank giro / PlusGiro system will execute the payments on the given date according to the electronic notification they receive from you. Coding and accounting order are not created for the payment. Instead, the accounting order is generated when the payment is confirmed from the bank giro / PlusGiro.

Outgoing payments via BG/PG are completed by printing a notice. The payment can then be confirmed and approved. You can also print a test printout, if needed. Please note that the bank giro number and PlusGiro number must be updated on the supplier, in order for that information to be included on the printout. If this information is missing, the supplier’s entire address will be printed on the notice.

Non Payment Days

Via the setting Consider holidays when calculating due date, under Payments Out under the Purchase tab in the Settings procedure, it is possible to automatically redirect the system to set the due date to the preceding day or the day following the non payment day. Please note that the calculation of due date also considers the holidays that are registered in the Non Payment Days procedure.


When the payments have been registered (and saved), the accounts payable ledger is updated. You print the ledger or accounting orders for these payments using the Print Outgoing Payment Ledger / Accounting Orders procedure. Under the section Accounts Payable under the Purchase tab in the Settings procedure, you can configure a setting regarding automatic printout of ledgers/accounting orders when saving the payment.

In the Settings procedure, under the Accounting tab, you will find four alternatives regarding the integration between the ledgers and accounting.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.