Finish Work

In this section, you will find settings that apply to finishing work.

Allow reporting of multiple reject codes?

This setting will allow you to enter several reject codes for the same reporting of an operation in the recording terminal. The setting is activated by default.

Manage interruption code in the Recording Terminal

With this setting you select if an interruption code shall be entered when reporting work. The following alternatives are available:

Reasonability check of excess reporting

If you configure this setting a reasonability check is made if a report of a too large quantity of approved details is reported in the Recording Terminal procedure. The following alternatives are available:

You should also use the setting below to enter how large a percentage should be allowed for excess reporting.

Allowed excess reporting in % of planned quantity

See the above setting.

Reasonability check when deleting rest?

If you configure this setting a reasonability check is made when deleting rest in the Recording Terminal. The following alternatives are available:

Also use the setting below called Max rest deletion allowed (in % of planned quantity) to enter the allowed percentage size to be deleted.

This setting is also a control to see if there, during a deletion of rest on an operation, still remains a rest on previous operation. The control takes place in the Operation Reporting or Comprehensive Reporting procedures, where a warning then will be displayed.

Max rest deletion allowed (in % of planned quantity)

See the above setting.

Enter own employee number during machine recording?

This setting is used to force each operator that performs reporting on a machine to enter his or her own employee number for each reporting. Please note that it is sufficient to enter the employee number on one row when work is finished on a machine. All other rows in the reporting will copy the employee number entered on the row in question. The setting is activated by default.

Machine recording means that the recording is performed against an employee that has the setting Recording type set to "Work only" in the Update Employee procedure. Please see the help chapters for the Recording Terminal procedure for more information.

Use the employee's initials in the Inventory Log?

This setting allows the employee's initials to be shown in the inventory log instead of the recording terminal's user name. The inventory log is updated during all reporting that contain balance changes, such as an operation reporting that has incorporated material, as well as for the finish operation of a part.

Traceability requires manual material reporting as mandatory?

With this setting you can force employees to perform material reporting manually for all material that has traceability. This is very important so that the material with traceability is taken from the right location.

Please Note! In order to be able to have mandatory reporting of material when using traceability you must have configured the setting Automatic material reporting during Operation reporting. That setting is located under the Order heading in the Manufacturing tab. Furthermore, the employee must also have configured the settings Material and Manual material reporting in the Work settings tab in the Update Employee procedure.

There is also a setting called Automatic material reporting in the section Start work in this tab. If that setting is configured it is not possible to force the manual reporting of material when using traceability (the material will then already be picked).

Suggest quantity for material row with traceability

This setting is activated by default which means that quantity for material with traceability will be suggested during reporting in the Recording Terminal procedure.

Warning during AutoReport material exception?

This setting combined with the AutoReport material exception (can be activated in the Update Work Center procedure if the setting Automatic material reporting during Operation reporting, under Order in the Manufacturing tab, is activated) provides the opportunity to control the level of the warnings when finishing work.

Open Print Transport Label (to stock)?

This setting opens the window for transport label printout after reported recording which results in transfer to stock. In the Update Work Center procedure you can then select if a certain work center should not print transport labels after the recording is made.

Open Print Transport Label (not to stock)?

This setting opens the window for transport label printout after reported recording which did not result in a transfer to stock. In the Update Work Center procedure you can then select if a certain work center should not print transport labels after the recording is made.

Register nonconformity from Recording Terminal

Here you can choose whether nonconformity registration from Recording Terminal, for manufacturing operations with rejects, should be done automatically or after a question has been asked. You can select a basic type of nonconformity, or one of your own nonconformity types. The available alternatives are:

Mandatory comment if consumed time exceeds planned time (in %)

Using this setting you can determine whether or not it should be mandatory to enter a comment when you finish direct work in the Recording Terminal, if the consumed time exceeds the planned time with this percentage or more. 0 percent means that comment is not mandatory.

For batch recording it is the consumed time in total for all direct work items that is meant. If a mandatory comment is required based on the percentage of a batch recording, then it is sufficient if the operator enters a comment for one of the work items in the batch. This comment will automatically be copied to all other work items (rows) in the batch.

For indirect work you can also determine if it should be mandatory or not to enter a comment. This is determined per code under the Indirect work tab in the Codes procedure.

If it is mandatory, then the comment button will become yellow and it is not possible to click on Execute until a comment has been entered.
Entered comments can be seen in the Recording List procedure in the Workshop Info and in the Post-Calculation, Manufacturing Order Log and Order Info procedures in the Manufacturing module.