The Heading Row

In the heading row of this window, you open up the part that you want to create a preparation for.

You can also create a new part directly in the Preparation procedure, by entering a new Part number in the Part number field. The Name field will then display * New record *. The default part type is Manufactured. You can also select Revision, Drawing number and the part's Status. In the Weight field the part's weight can be entered or calculated via a selection in the Info menu. The part's weight can also be fixed. If you have installed the supplement Product Configurator, you can also link a Configuration group to the part.

All new parts created in the preparation are saved in the part number register.

You can access the procedures Update Configuration Group, Simulate order in Order Info, Update Part - Inventory, Consists of (Structure List) and Pre-Calculation by right-clicking in any field on the heading row and opening the Info menu.

You can also access the heading row using the keyboard by pressing Alt+R.