The Create Tab

When you open the procedure, the Create tab first appears. In the upper part of the tab you select how to classify and select the list. There are several different terms used for classification and selection. The selected classification alternative determines which selection alternatives that will be available, as well as the settings of how to use the Post-Calculation Selection.

In the lower portion of the window you will find settings that determine the calculation for the post-calculation selection. The selected classification and list type partially determine which settings that will be available.

You can select period format for the list, except for when you classify by Actual finish period Op when the total period is selected instead.

The calculation can be created by using Planned / Reported or Current cost factors.

If you classify by Part number or Order number, you can decide whether or not to include SC mark-up on S-parts and M-parts. Then you can also choose Amounts, select price to save to, select sales price for contribution margin (when classifying by Order number this applies only to list type Diff.

For incorporated material you can select how the post-calculated material value shall be valued, if you select Current you can also choose price alternatives for P-parts and S-parts. You can select to include SO mark-up for P-parts in the calculation.

When classifying by Part number and with the post-calculated material value set to Planned/Reported, you can choose the alternative Post-calculate S-parts. Then you can also choose the alternatives Alternate price S-parts and Current price P-parts that are used to calculate the incorporated S-parts.

Under Orders you can enter limits for how many orders max and min on which the post-calculation shall be based. This is useful when the post-calculation is created using a mean price.

You can also choose the number of decimals that you want to show in the lists. When classifying by Order number you can choose to include Post-calculated orders, and if you use the list type Diff you can decide whether or not to show order-bound purchase. When classifying by Work center you can choose to include Only subcontracting. Then it is also possible to decide if SC mark-ups on S- and M-parts shall be included or not under Cost factors.

The calculation takes place when the post-calculation is presented, either by using Display List or Print. After the calculation is made and the information is presented in the list, you can sort and filter the values shown by going to the Window menu under Edit or to the Window functions and selecting Sort List... or Filter List... Most headings in the lists can be clicked, for a quicker sorting method.