General Information about Comprehensive Document (Subcontract)

You will find a general description of Managing Lists in the System in the chapter MONITOR General Information in the MONITOR Basics.

What Does This Procedure Do?

Here you can print comprehensive documents for Subcontract Purchase Orders and Subcontract Delivery Notes, where several operations to the same supplier are gathered per document with a purchase order number in common.

The option to use prefix on purchase orders also applies when creating subcontract purchase orders in the Comprehensive Document (Subcontract) and Print Manufacturing Order. For this you need to configure the setting Use prefix to manage order types? under the Purchase tab in the Settings procedure.

The procedure can also be used to find manufacturing order numbers via purchase order numbers (and vice versa) on subcontracts, even if the operation has been reported as finished.

Under the Create tab you can select the list using different alternatives in order to include the subcontracts of your choice on the documents. The operations are first displayed in an operation list, read more under Printout samples.

The Purchase order and Delivery note can be previewed under each respective tab, read more under Printout samples.

A comprehensive document (subcontract) can be sent as an attachment in an e-mail message. Any linked documents will also be attached. The e-mail address will be loaded according to the rules that are described in the E-mail field in the Help Function for Register Purchase Order procedure, but this can be changed manually in the e-mail program if needed. It is possible to report shipped quantity when the delivery note is printed.

What Update Options Exist for this Procedure?

In the operation list you can enter quantity and the purchase order's delivery period, and select which order numbers that shall be included in the printout.

A form check is always made after printout and question appears asking if you want to update the status. The purchase order number and printout date are only preliminary until you have approved the printout. After approval the purchase order numbers are loaded from the Number Series. The status of the subcontract documents will then be set to Printed. When the printout is completed you will get a question asking whether or not the shipped quantity shall be updated for all selected operations.

You can select if the form check shall be shown or if the status shall be updated automatically. This is determined by the setting Ask about updating status after printing subcontract documents?, under Orders under the Manufacturing tab in the Settings procedure.

In the list you can see if any material requirements exist for a subcontract and if the material in question has been cleared. You can also link to the Material Clearance procedure from the list by right-clicking.

If a travel time has been set on the supplier, this will be deducted from the delivery period on the form Comprehensive document subcontract.

If you use fixed delivery day for subcontracts you can calculate a new delivery time for the operations during printout via the Info menu that appears when right-clicking. The function to calculate new delivery times also considers fixed delivery days on the supplier. The function is activated by the setting Use fixed delivery day on subcontracts, under Orders under the Manufacturing tab in the Settings procedure. Then it is the fixed delivery days that can be configured in the Update Supplier that determine which finish day (in the week) that will be set on the subcontracts when registering and replanning the supplier order.

Reasonability Check

There is a reasonability check that can be activated under the Orders heading under the Manufacturing tab in the Settings procedure. This reasonability check is used to control if the balance is negative during reporting. If so a warning appears displaying the parts with negative balance.

Print Transport Labels

There is a setting Open Print Transport Labels after Operation Reporting (Shipment), under the heading Orders that you will find under the Manufacturing tab in the Settings, that enables transport labels to be printed together with the comprehensive documents. The Print Transport Labels procedure will then open automatically after the comprehensive documents have been printed and viewed under the Transport label tab (see Printout samples) and all the necessary information from the reporting is already entered. The transport label can be sent via e-mail.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.

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