You are here: Sales > Parts > Intrastat Export > General Information about Intrastat Export

General Information about Intrastat Export

What Does This Procedure Do?

The Intrastat Export procedure is used to print the Intrastat report that should be sent to the Swedish Central Bureau of Statistics (Statistiska Centralbyrån SCB, or corresponding authority in your country) when you export goods to customers in other EU countries.

Under the Create tab you enter the month for which you are creating the Intrastat report. The report is then shown under the Display List tab.

The Intrastat report is printed out once a calendar month, and sent within a certain period of time after the month that the report applies to. At present, the period is maximum one week after the end of the report month.

You can also load an Intrastat Control that shows warnings if no statistical goods code is enter for the part, if no weight is entered, if the coding is made on an account that does not refer to business with an EU country, etc.

Under printout samples, you can see a sample of the report.

The information included in the report is based on the sales statistics taken from the Invoicing Log procedure, as well as the settings for EU Trans under Delivery methods in the Terms and Conditions procedure in the Global Settings module.

Conditions for Intrastat Export

In order to obtain the export information on the Intrastat report, you must have registered the Statistical Goods Codes (according to the Combined Nomenclature - CN) on all the parts that are exported to another EU country. These codes are entered under the EU info tab that you will find under the Sales tab, in the Update Part - Sales and Update Part - Inventory procedures. The Statistical Goods Codes that apply to all the relevant parts must also be entered in the Statistical Goods Codes procedure in the Global Settings.

You enter the customer's country code, for example DK for Denmark, under the Address / Terms tab in the Update Customer procedure.

Further information about rules and regulations related to Intrastat reporting can be found in the Intrastat Handbook from SCB (Statistics Sweden). Furthermore you can access a list of all the statistical goods codes at SCB’s website at on the Internet.

What Update Options Exist for this Procedure?

In the report you can manually enter new information and also change existing information. It is also possible to add a new page to the report. This is done by using the Insert new page option under Edit in the Window menu.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.

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