You are here: Sales > Parts > Price List - Sales > The Create Tab

The Create Tab

When you open the procedure, the Create tab first appears. In the upper part of the tab you select how to classify and select the list. There is a number of alternatives you can use to classify and select.

In the lower portion you can select price list type under List types. If you select the list type Order simulated price you can also select customer code. If you select the Order simulated price - external you can enter a reference and an e-mail address to which the price list should be sent.

When using the list types Price list and Customer prices you can choose to show price date, staggered prices and future price under the section Show.

Under Part types you can choose which part types that you want to include in the list.

When using the list type Order simulated price - external you can choose to include valid through, price comment and lead time under the section Include.

When using the list type Price list you can select up to four price alternatives under the section Price alternatives.

When using the list types Order simulated price and Order simulated price - external you will find three alternatives under the section Properties on which the price calculation will be based..

You can see samples of the lists under printout samples, as well as explanations regarding each list type.