You are here: Sales > Invoicing > Register Invoices Directly > The Heading Row

The Heading Row

In the top portion of the window you will find the heading row where you select customer code or order number.

The cursor is automatically positioned in the Customer field. When you have entered or selected a customer code, all the customer information is loaded from the customer register and shown under the Main tab. In the Order number field you can load an existing invoice or enter a new order number. To the right of the order number you can enter a sub-number. A small icon shows if it is a new or an existing invoice. If it is an already invoiced order you can enter the Invoice number.

At the far right of the heading row, you will see a speech bubble if a message has been registered for the customer in the Update Customer procedure. The message will open when you enter the customer code. However, you can also open the message by clicking on the speech bubble.