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Under Invoicing in the Sales module, you will find procedures that are used to manage customer invoices in the system.

Below you will find a brief description of all the procedures that can be found under the Invoicing menu in the Sales module of a complete MONITOR system.

Register Invoices Directly

This is where you register invoices when not using the order module. This procedure replaces the procedures Register Customer Order and Delivery Reporting. You can also register credit invoices in this procedure. When you use the order procedure, the stock balance is updated during delivery reporting. Therefore, it is possible for you to affect the stock balance using this procedure.

You can also print order confirmations and delivery notes once a customer order has been registered. These documents cannot be printed in this procedure. When the invoice is registered, it is placed in a separate register awaiting invoice printout. You can print a list of registered invoices in the Invoice Basis procedure.

Invoice Basis

You can print delivered customer orders using this procedure. These customer orders have been printed in the Delivery Reporting procedure, and remain in the system for invoice printout, which can be carried out in a separate procedure called Print Invoices. When the invoice printout has been approved, you can no longer print orders in this procedure. Instead you can print them in the Accounts Receivable Ledger procedure.

Print Invoices

You can print customer invoices using this procedure. The form types that can be printed are debit invoice, credit invoice, cash receipt, cash credit invoice and pro forma invoice. An invoice basis is created in two different ways in MONITOR. By registering invoices in the Register Invoices Directly procedure, the invoice basis is created immediately. If you use the customer order module, you first create a customer order in the Register Customer Order procedure. After that you perform delivery reporting in the Delivery Reporting procedure, which in turn creates the invoice basis.

Print EDI Invoices

You can print EDI invoices using this procedure. An EDI invoice is a comprehensive invoice that corresponds to the comprehensive delivery note that can be printed in Comprehensive Delivery Note. The type of form that can be printed is Invoice. The basis for the EDI invoice is created when you deliver an EDI/Packaging pick list in the Pick List Delivery Reporting procedure.

Print Customer Invoice Ledger / Accounting Orders

Here you can see the invoices that have been printed as well as a total invoiced amount. You can also print the coding of each invoice. This ledger concludes with a total accounting order, which is formatted like a voucher, and contains all the invoices in the ledger. After printout, you can reset the ledger/accounting orders.

Invoicing Log

Here you can create printouts of all the sales statistics, since all the sales transactions can be loaded here. The Invoicing Log shows the equivalent information as the Sales Statistics - Customers or Sales Statistics - Parts procedures. The list type Log shows the accumulated records in other statistics.

Print Pro Forma Invoices

You can print pro forma invoices using this procedure. Pro forma invoices are used in connection with international deliveries and must accompany the goods. You can then print a "real" or actual invoice. No ledger or statistic updates take place in this procedure, nor does the status change.

Reprint Prior Invoices

You can reprint prior (old) invoices using this procedure. The form types that can be printed are debit invoice, credit invoice, cash receipt, and credit invoice. No ledger or statistic updates take place in this procedure. The invoice will be given the same printout date as the original invoice.

EC Sales List

Here you can print the basis for your EC Sales List. The format of the printout follows the appropriate form issued by Skatteverket (Swedish tax authority). Companies that sell/deliver goods to customers in other EU countries must provide this information to Skatteverket.

Update Accounts Receivable Ledger

The Update Accounts Receivable Ledger procedure is used to register new, modify or delete existing records in the Accounts Receivable Ledger. You normally create ledger records when printing invoices or interest invoices.

This procedure is mainly used during system startup, to make sure that invoices from previously used systems will be included in the new Accounts Receivable Ledger. When you delete records in the ledger, you create accounting records to make sure that even the equivalent removal or deletion will take place in your accounting. During registration, you can also enter coding for each invoice. You can also update the customer statistics at the same time. After registration, you can print an invoice list in the Print Customer Invoice Ledger / Accounting Orders procedure.