You are here: Sales > Invoicing > Register Invoices Directly > General Information about Register Invoices Directly

General Information about Register Invoices Directly

What Does This Procedure Do?

This procedure is used to register invoices when you do not use the order procedure. This procedure replaces the procedures Register Customer Order and Delivery Reporting. You can also register credit invoices in this procedure. When you use the order procedure, the stock balance is updated during delivery reporting. Therefore, it is possible for you to affect the stock balance using this procedure.

You register invoices under two different tabs: Main and Rows. There is also a heading row where you select customer or an existing order number.

The first tab Main contains general information about the invoice, such as the customer name, terms of payment etc. Most of this information is loaded from the customer register, but can be modified for an individual invoice.

Under the second tab, Rows, you register what it is that has been sold. This is where you register different row types, such as part rows, service rows, additional order rows, etc. You can also enter a price each and the correct coding account for each invoice row. This window contains a button called Show shipping info which you can use to calculate weights and volumes etc. for the invoice rows and insert this information as text rows on the invoice.

When registering a new invoice, you can enter an optional order number. The order number can consist of both digits and letters (alphanumerical), and can contain up to 10 characters.

By using the button Calc. total price you can calculate a total price for the invoice. This is activated by the setting Show only total price on quote/customer order/invoice, under Orders / Quotes under the Sales tab in the Settings procedure.

This procedure also allows you to open an already registered order, in order to modify some of the previously registered information, or add/delete order rows. For this to be available, the order must have been delivery reported.

You can also see the tabs Delivery Note and Invoice depending on how the setting Type of form used to register inv. directly, under Invoices under the Sales tab in the Settings procedure, has been configured. When these tabs are shown you can choose to print the Delivery note and Invoice from this procedure of from the Print Invoices procedure. You can also preview the invoice on your screen in the Print Invoices procedure.

When the invoice is registered, it is placed in a separate register awaiting invoice printout. You can print a list of registered invoices in the Invoice Basis procedure. Once the invoice has been registered, you can print it at any time.

The setting Show 'Approved for F-tax' on forms, under the section Economics under the System tab in the Settings procedure, determines whether or not the text Approved for F-tax should be printed in the footer of invoices and other forms.

Useful tip when merging partial deliveries into one invoice row. If you have activated the alternative Invoice basis in the Log Selection procedure in the Global Settings module, then it is possible to change the rest quantity on partially delivered order rows when merging several partial deliveries into one invoice row. When partially delivered rows are deleted, you enter the requested quantity on the remaining row and via the Info Menu you select Change rest quantity in order to adjust/delete the rest quantity in the form Delivery note - delivered. These changes can be displayed in the Modification log.

Check against Minimum Order Amount

If the invoice falls below the minimum order amount entered for the customer, a message appears informing you that the invoice amount falls below the purchase limit entered for the customer. The question Insert a setup price at the end of the invoice basis also appears.

Managing Credit Invoices

You can create credit invoices for both simple debit invoices and comprehensive invoices. To find out how to do this, please see the description in the section Managing Credit Invoices.

Blanket Order

On invoices that concerns blanket orders you will find information about the blanket order in question, rest quantity, initial quantity and validity period.

Service Order

You can also edit and print service invoices in this procedure. If you have activated the setting Default authorization of invoice bases before invoicing, under Service order under the Sales tab in the Settings procedure, the invoice status will be set to pending and must be authorized/released in the Authorize / Release Invoice Basis procedure before it can be printed.

Export Invoice Basis

You can, from a local copy of MONITOR, create and export invoice bases. Please read more about this under CRM and SRM in the Using MONITOR Procedures guide.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.