You are here: Sales > Customers > Register Agreement - Sales > The Main Tab

The Main Tab

Under the Main tab you register general information such as references, terms, etc. All information in this window can be temporarily modified for an existing agreement.

Under General you register agreement type, atatus, agreement time, agreement date, last cancellation date, cancellation date and responsible.

Under References you enter our reference, your reference, our order number and your order number.

Under Extra information you will find buttons used to reactivate agreements, set authorization for agreements, enter additional texts and comments.

Under Invoicing you select invoicing period, invoicing method as well as on what you want to base the agreement's row amount .

Under Terms you select payment terms, delivery terms, place of terms of delivery and delivery method.

Under Additional name you can enter an additional name.

Under Export you select currency and forward rate.

Under Miscellaneous you can select customer group and project number.

Under the Modification log button you will see a log over modifications made for the agreement.

At the bottom of the window under the section Agreement... you can see who created and changed the agreement and when.