You are here: Sales > Customers > Update Customer > E-mail Log

E-mail Log

In this section of the CRM tab you can log your e-mail correspondence with the customer.

Incoming e-mails are logged by using the drag and drop function from the e-mail program into MONITOR. You can open an e-mail message by double-clicking or by clicking the button Open in the table.

Outgoing e-mails created from MONITOR are always logged. You can create an outgoing e-mail message by using the New e-mail button or by opening an incoming e-mail message and clicking Reply. You can use F6 to delete an e-mail message.

Incoming and outgoing e-mail messages logged here will be saved as files in the folder structure \<ftg_nr>\YYYY-MM\ using the path entered in the setting Path to location on the network for external files, under Document Viewing under the System tab in the Settings procedure. If this setting is not used, the files will be saved in the same folder structure but under \Monwin\ExtFiles\ on the database server (<ftg_nr> is a folder created by the company number that is used, for example 001).

The setting Use Outlook integration when e-mailing from Update Customer/Customer Info, under CRM - Customer Relationship Management under the Sales tab in the Settings procedure, determines how the logging will be made.

All columns in the table can be sorted by double-clicking on the column headings. The following columns are available in the table:


Here you will see if it is an incoming or outgoing e-mail.


Here you will see the date.


Here you will see by whom the e-mail message was sent.


Here you will see the recipient of the e-mail message.


Here you will see the message's subject.


This button can be used to open the e-mail message.