You are here: Sales > Accounts Receivable > On Account Payments / Set-offs > The Payments Tab

The Payments Tab

Under the Payments tab, you register the on account payments you receive from customers.

For each payment, you enter information such as: customer code, payment date, paid amount, order number (if any), automatic set-off, bank charge (if any) and payment method. If the payment is in a foreign currency, you must also enter a conversion factor. By using the Coding button you can open the Coding window to verify the coding or make any necessary changes.

When you have filled in the information, use Save. The payment will then become updated with an on account number that is visible at the very top of the tab. When you use direct integration to the accounting, the voucher number created when the payment was saved will be shown.

You print the ledger/accounting orders for on account payments using the Print Incoming Payment Ledger / Accounting Orders procedure.