Under T (Type) you enter what row type that is being registered.
- 1 (Part row) - The part must be registered in Update Part.
- 2 (Additional order row) - This row type allows you to register parts that do not exist in the part register.
- 3 (Service row) - This row type is used when you sell services such as traveling expenses etc. The services must be registered in the Update Services procedure.
- 4 (Text row) - This row type is used to add your own text on a row. By using the setting "Link additional text automatically to quote/order/invoice row", under the Sales tab in the Settings procedure, it is possible to select if text rows on quotes and order and invoice rows should be linked automatically.
Apart from the above four row types, the system also uses row type 5, 6 and 9.
- 5 (Serial number) - Row type 5 is used for part traceability via the product register.
- 6 (Underlying fictitious part) - Used for fictitious part sales, if the price must be entered on the fictitious part instead of on the incorporated parts. Row type 6 is a row type automatically set by the system, that the user does not need to enter.
- 9 (Tool) - If you use the supplement Tool Management you can register tools as quote rows. This can for example be used when a special tool is offered to the customer.