You are here: Sales > Orders > Customer Order Info > The Activities Tab

The Activities Tab

Under the Activities tab you will find information about the order to support business related events.

Under the Activities heading you can register and report different types of activities regarding the order. Activities such as to call a customer, visit a customer, etc. If a planned activity is not performed, the system can send a reminder. To facilitate the activity management you can insert a template with activities. You create templates in the Activities procedure. By checking the setting Create records in Outlook/Notes calendar, you can choose to integrate activities with its existing calendar system (Microsoft Outlook and Lotus Notes). You select calendar program under Fax / E-mail under the System tab in the Settings procedure. You can also select to Show finished activities, in other words activities with status Finished. (Finished activities are not shown by default.)

Under the heading E-mail log you can log and save your e-mail correspondence by using "drag and drop". You can open an e-mail message by double-clicking on it or by clicking on the button Open in the table. By using the button New e-mail you can create a new e-mail message.

If you drag the e-mail message from the e-mail program and drop it in the E-mail log table, it will be logged only in the table, but if you drop it in the Activities/contacts log it will be logged both in the text log with a hyperlink and in the table. Please note that this only applies when using Microsoft Outlook.

In the field under the heading Activities/contacts log, you will find a simple form of word processor to write down information regarding activities, events and other notes concerning the order. These may concern planned activities as well as already finished activities. Besides notes, you can also insert hyperlinks to websites, e-mail messages and files. To make it easier to create notes you can use the button called Insert note.