You are here: Sales > Orders > Import EDI Delivery Schedules > Our Order Number

Our Order Number

In the Our order number field you can load our order number for existing delivery schedules in the system. You can also select the customer’s reference.


The Our order number field.

Our Order Number

By using the PopUp feature or the F4 key, you can select among existing delivery schedules based on our order number and customer code (standard). Click on F3 to select existing delivery schedules based on our order number and part number.

Customer's Reference

Here you can enter the customer’s reference if it has been entered on an existing delivery schedule.


Here you can see the order status of the loaded delivery schedules.

Forecast Plan

(Adaptation) Here you can see the forecast plan that the current imported Detail plan is a part of. In the field below, you will see that last valid delivery date on the delivery schedule for the part in question. This field is sent by the customer, and if not, the system will enter the delivery period here automatically. This is the last call for the current part.