You are here: Sales > Orders > Import EDI Delivery Schedules > General Information about Import EDI Delivery Schedules

General Information about Import EDI Delivery Schedules

Why Use This Procedure?

The Import EDI Delivery Schedules procedure is used in the standard system to manually create delivery schedule orders from the delivery schedules you receive from customers. You can also create sales forecasts from the delivery schedules, for example when you import entire annual schedules.

The procedure consists of an order header at the top of the window, where you can import new or load existing delivery schedule orders. Further down in the window there are order rows which display all rows that have been imported or the rows on the existing delivery schedule order which you have loaded.

Set-up price rows cannot be generated.

Delivery Schedule Import via EDI

As a Supplement to your MONITOR system, you can also apply EDI imports to import delivery schedules from your customers. A delivery schedule is then automatically created here based on an Edifact message (DELFOR or DELINS) that is imported from a customer.

Before you can use the EDI import, you must configure your system to support EDI and install a special EDI Bridge. Furthermore your customer must use EDI when placing their orders with their suppliers. Please read more about EDI in the Using MONITOR Procedures guide.

If you have registered customer orders manually, these will no longer be selected during an import in the Import Delivery Schedule procedure. Before you can make this work the manual customer orders that exist must be loaded manually and then saved in the Import delivery schedule procedure. By doing this they will then be considered selectable during import.

If the EDI data table is locked when saving it is not possible to save again. This applies when you manually edit imported delivery schedules and the EDI link uses EDI data. (Applies to adaptation 14 Import Delivery Schedule)

In the Import EDI Delivery Schedules procedure a message appears for parts for which you have configured the setting Block/notify in the Update Part procedure. This is also saved to the Historical Events; messages to ID 171 and blocked parts to ID 172.

Import KanbanKanban is a "quick call" with an ordered quantity for a part that equals one pallet size. In this case, a special pallet registration number is included in the call row from the customer. This pallet registration number will be shown in the Kanban no. field on rows in the delivery schedules. is saved to ID 175 in the Historical Events procedure. (Applies to adaptation 50 Import Kanban)

You can use Ctrl+C to copy the customer code, part number etc.

Automatic Delivery Schedule Import via EDI

If you have the MONITOR Agent supplement installed, you can automate the entire EDI import in the AutoRuns procedure, from the run of the MEDI to the import and the creating of new delivery schedule orders. Please note that the import will be looped during automatic runs.

Logging at Delivery Schedule Import via EDI

If you have activated the setting Log imported delivery schedules and warnings, under EDI under the Sales tab in the Settings procedure, any warnings and errors that might occur during the import will be logged.

The logs can then be loaded in the Historical Events procedure in the Global Settings.

Log Calls with Frozen Time in Near Future

If the alternative "Log calls with frozen time in near future" has been selected for the setting Log imported delivery schedules and warnings, which you find under the EDI heading under the Sales tab in the Settings procedure, you will find a customer setting under the button Extra info where you can enter the frozen time in days for this customer. Once the schedule is loaded, the plan's date will be postponed for this number of days. The calls before this date will then not be loaded, nor will the calls that already exist in the system before this time period be deleted. The calls/delivery rows after this date will be loaded and they will replace the existing rows for the corresponding time period. For this to function, you must also activate the setting Days to log warnings when importing del. schedule.

Automatic Reconciliation during Delivery Schedule Import via EDI

The setting Log imported delivery schedules and warnings can be used to configure that the system should make an automatic reconciliation, that is that the system tries balance and deduct the delivery notes for deliveries that have not yet reached the customer and the customer just created the imported delivery schedule. These deductions, if any, are based on a comparison in the system between the numbers of sent delivery notes and those of delivery notes received by the customer. The system takes the customer's highest delivery note number received and then totals all delivery notes in the system with a higher number and regards these as currently being "in transport". This total difference is then deducted from the calls from the top of the delivery schedule until the difference is eliminated.

You can still perform manual adjustments in this procedure even if you have configured an automatic reconciliation as mentioned above.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.