You are here: Global Settings > General > Settings > EDI


In this section, you will find settings that apply to EDI communication with your customers.

Default order prefix during order import (empty = no prefix)

Here you can enter a prefix that will be added by default to the customer order number during customer order registration in the Import EDI Orders procedure. The prefix can either be a digit or a letter. For example, if you enter the letter O here, the order number in the form will then be: OXXXXX where X can be a consecutive number from a number series for customer orders, or an optional number. The default setting is to leave this field empty, i.e. no prefix for delivery schedule orders.

Order number during Import EDI Orders

This setting applies for the procedure Import EDI Orders. This setting will override the setting Assign order number from the customer's order number? under the Extra info button in the Update Customer procedure. Here there are two different alternatives:

Order number during EDI Order Import List

This setting makes it possible to select how the order number should be created in the EDI Order Import List procedure. Here there are three different alternatives:

Default order prefix during delivery schedule import (empty = no prefix)

Here you can enter a prefix that will be added by default to the customer order number when importing delivery schedule orders in the Import EDI Delivery Schedules procedure. The prefix can either be a digit or a letter. For example, if you enter the letter L here, the order number in the form will then be: SXXXXX where X can be a consecutive number from a number series for customer orders, or an optional number. The default setting is to leave this field empty, i.e. no prefix for delivery schedule orders.

Import delivery schedules one at a time?

Here you can select by default to import several incoming delivery schedules one at a time during each transfer. This option is also available in the Import EDI Delivery Schedules procedure, by unchecking the setting Import all.

Import orders one at a time?

Here you can select by default to import several incoming delivery schedules one at a time during each transfer in the Import EDI Orders procedure.

Select delivery schedule before import

If you configure this setting, it is possible to select which delivery schedules in queue that shall be imported in the Import EDI Delivery Schedules procedure.

Select order before import

If you configure this setting, it is possible to select which order in queue that shall be imported in the Import EDI Orders procedure.

Log imported delivery schedules and warnings?

During import of delivery schedules from customers via EDI, you can log the delivery schedules when they are saved to new delivery schedule orders. The purpose of logging the delivery schedules is to be able to compare how the delivery schedules have change over time. That change can be displayed in the Delivery Schedule Log / Diff procedure.

Warnings: It is useful to log warnings for automated import of delivery schedule (via the supplement MONITOR Agent). Then it is possible to review warnings and errors after the import in order to adjust them manually. The logs are also saved and can be loaded in the Historical Events procedure. Select by ID 170-174 to find them.

Automatic Reconciliation: The system will try to level and deduct the delivery notes that had not yet reached the customer at the time the customer created the delivery schedule that you just now imported. These deductions, if any, are based on a comparison in the system between the numbers of sent delivery notes and those of delivery notes received by the customer. The system takes the customer's highest delivery note number received and then totals all delivery notes in the system with a higher number and regards these as currently being "in transport". This total difference is then deducted from the calls from the top of the delivery schedule until the difference is eliminated. You can also do a manual reconciliation in the Import EDI Delivery Schedules procedure.

Depending on how often they are imported via EDI and how extensive these delivery schedules are, the log table in the database will be added to at each import (if any of the four log alternatives has been activated in this setting). Therefore you should not forget to purge that table at regular intervals, for example once every year. This can be made in the procedure called Purging Procedures in the Global Settings module. In this procedure, you should purge the table called Delivery schedule log.

Days to log warnings when importing del. schedule

It is used when Log calls w. frozen time in near future in the system setting above has been activated. This setting logs customer order rows that have been changed within the period of time that have been entered in Import EDI Delivery Schedules. If the value is set to 0 (zero), no logging will take place. This setting provides a general frozen time for the system. The setting Frozen time (days) when importing del. schedule that you find in the Update Customer procedure under the Info tab when you click on the Ext. Info button, provides a customer-specific frozen time, and it overrides the general frozen time.

Frozen time (days) when importing del. schedule

This setting applies as a general setting and the value, if any, that is entered under the Extra Info button in the Update Customer procedure, will override this setting.

The function is the same as Extra Info and the values that can be entered are:

Filter when importing delivery schedules?

Here you can configure a filter that will be default when importing delivery schedules. The filter is activated via the Info menu which you access by right-clicking on an order row in the Import EDI Delivery Schedules procedure. The following filter alternatives are available:

Import delivery schedules with decimal on quantity?

This setting determines whether or not decimals are used.

Generate text rows during order imp. & create underlying part rows for F-part?

Check this alternative if you want text rows belonging to parts to be generated when importing orders or delivery schedules. You should also activate this setting if underlying part rows for fictitious part should be created during import of EDI orders (does not apply to import of delivery schedules).

Generate additional text rows with customer order number during import?

Check this alternative if you also want text rows containing the customer order number to be added under the respective part during import of delivery schedules and customer orders.

Insert imported additional text from order header after the last order row?

Check this alternative if you also want additional text rows belonging to the order header to be placed after the last order row during customer order import. If you do not check this alternative, these additional text rows will only be placed under the Additional text button on the order header.

Update the order header's goods label during order import?

Check this option if you want the two first imported additional text rows to be saved in the goods label. If you do not check this alternative, these additional text rows will only be placed under the Additional text button on the order header.

Import EDI Orders does not save price from imported message

When this setting is activated it will make sure that the price is not loaded from the import file but from MONITOR. This applies to registration of customer order by drag and drop in the Register Customer Order procedure, and when importing customer orders in the Import EDI Orders procedure.

Export delivery note basis in Print Pick Lists?

If you select this, the setting Delivery Note Basis in the list Pick List EDI / packaging in the Print Pick Lists procedure will be selected by default. A delivery note basis will then be exported to that pick list.

Pick List shows order rows with status lower than or equal to

With this setting you can determine which order rows that should be displayed by here selecting a row status (commitment degree) of the customer order.

Show warning for missing packaging or customer link in pick list

With this setting you can determine whether or not a warning should be displayed if packaging or customer link is missing for parts when printing Pick list EDI in the Pick List procedure.

Skip dock when importing delivery reporting

If you activate this setting, incorrect dock codes in the import file will be disregarded. This setting only applies for the adaptation called Import delivery reporting (previously called Import confirmation) in the Pick List procedure.

Search by customer's order number per row when importing delivery report

If this setting is activated, then the customer's order number must correspond with the number included in the import file. This setting only applies for the adaptation called Import Delivery Reporting (previously called Import confirmation) in the Pick List procedure.

Use EDI invoice?

Select this alternative if the system should use the EDI Invoice (INVOIC) feature. This feature is then handled per customer by activating the setting Invoice customer in Print EDI Invoices?, under the Ext. Info button under the Information tab in the Update Customer procedure.

Export priced packaging in Print EDI Invoices?

This setting will activate the export of invoice rows with row type 1 and packaging parts with price > 0 and row type 2 and 3. Invoice rows with price = 0 and row types 5 and 9 are not exported.

Use part type Packaging to define packaging in EDI invoice?

If this setting is activated, it is possible to use part type G (Packaging) to classify extra cost on EDI invoice.

Export all rows with price in EDI invoice print (global)

If you activate this setting it means that you will export more than just row type 1 when using EDI invoice with Global Invoice. Row types 2, 3, 4, 5, and 9 will then also be exported when this setting is checked.

Date format for periods

Here you can choose a date format that will be used in the Import EDI Delivery Schedules procedure. This setting will override the general period format used by the system that was configured under the System tab. The following alternatives are available:

Default transport label EDI

Here you can select if printout of transport label EDI should be set by default for Not delivered orders or Final delivery made orders in the Print EDI Transport Labels procedure in the Sales module.