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General Information about Import EDI Orders

Why Use This Procedure?

The EDI Order Import procedure is a supplement to MONITOR that is used by those who import customer orders via EDI messages (type ORDERS).

You can also import quotes and invoice bases via EDI messages. The purpose is to be able to facilitate the work for sales persons working outside the office, who hereby can send new quotes and invoice bases as EDI messages to his/her head office.

The procedure consists of an order header where you can choose to import quotes, invoices or orders. If an import has already been made you can choose to create an order response. You can also choose to load an existing order number from the system, if no EDI import shall be made.

Further down in the window there are order rows which display all rows that have been imported or the rows on the existing order which you have loaded.

There are three different selections under the file menu that can be used to perform EDI import from a specific EDI link. This is useful if there are several EDI links on the same format group but the EDI import shall be made from just one link. This is also useful if the import shall be made from a backup file if the regular EDI import failed/interrupted.

You can use Ctrl+C to copy the customer code, part number etc. Via the Info menu you can access and perform Check Delivery Times, Requirement Calculation and Flow Analysis before the order is saved/created.

Before you can use the EDI import, you must configure your system to support EDI and install a special EDI bridge. Furthermore, your customer must use EDI when placing their orders with their suppliers. Please read more about EDI in the Using MONITOR Procedures guide.

You can receive a message when the Export order confirmation to customer has been sent. This is selected under the Message status button in the Customize window.

An order row with a setup price will always be inserted if the order amount falls below the minimum order amount entered for the customer.

Window Functions

Split row - creates an almost identical copy of the order row on which the cursor is positioned. However, the quantity will be set to zero on the new row.

Read more about the other Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics.