You are here: Sales > Orders > Delivery Schedule Log / Diff > General Information about Delivery Schedule Log / Diff

General Information about Delivery Schedule Log / Diff

What Does This Procedure Do?

In this procedure, under the Create tab, you can load and print different lists displaying the part quantities on order rows in the delivery schedules during the last import and during previous imports. The purpose of this procedure is to compare how the delivery schedules vary over time.

In the lists you can see the difference between the information in the delivery schedule on the import occasion and compare that with the information that applied before the import of the existing delivery schedule. The items that will be compared are quantity per delivery period and order row.

The lists can be displayed as a log per customer, total per date, total per date/part or total per week. Under Printout Samples you can see samples and descriptions of the lists.

To be able to log imported delivery schedules the setting Log imported delivery schedules and warnings?, under EDI under the Sales tab in the Settings procedure, must be set to Log del. sched. log or Log logs/warnings.

If the alternative Log calls w. frozen time in near future has been selected for this setting you also have the opportunity to only show these in the log. This applies for list type Log per customer when classifying by Customer code.

What Update Options Exist for this Procedure?

There are no update options in the Delivery Schedule Log / Diff, as the information is basically just a log printout.

Can Any Charts Be Displayed?

There are no charts or graphs available in this procedure.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.