You are here: Sales > Orders > Import EDI Delivery Schedules > Order Header

Order Header

The Closedorder header is divided into different sections.


The order header in the Import EDI Delivery Schedules procedure.

In the Place orders section, you enter information regarding the new delivery schedules that will be created. Use the Find order => button to find the customer's order number based on Part number, Customer code or Dock. After importing delivery schedules via EDI, this portion is greyed out. It will then only show the equivalent information for the delivery schedule here.

In the Our order number field you can load existing delivery schedules based on our order number and the customer’s reference. The order status in the system is shown in a little box to the right. After importing delivery schedules via EDI, this portion is greyed out.

Buttons for EDI import.

If the supplement function for delivery schedules via EDI import has been installed in your system, you can use three buttons in the middle left section of the window:

Delivery Note Information

The order header contains two small tables that show information about received and shipped delivery notes during EDI import. The information shown applies to the order row that is selected in the lower portion of the window.

In the left table, you can se a log of the last three delivery notes received from the customer. The information shown here is received delivery note number, delivery period and delivered quantity.

In the right table, you can see a log over the last three delivery notes shipped for this delivery schedule. The information shown here is shipped delivery note number, delivery period and delivered quantity. If nothing has been delivered on an order row, you will see a question mark on those three rows.

In between the two tables for delivery notes you will see a green flag for the delivery notes that correspond in the last delivery (when the customer has received their final delivery). Then the information for the Received delivery note and the Quantity on the last row in the left table correspond with the Shipped delivery note and the Quantity on the last row in the right table.

By using the Delivery log... button between the two tables, you can see a log of all the delivery notes shipped for this delivery schedule including information about: delivery note number, part number, name, order number, ordered quantity, delivered quantity, current delivery period, actual delivery period, reference number (customer's order number) and Kanban number (shown only if you have installed the adaptation Import KanbanKanban is a "quick call" with an ordered quantity for a part that equals one pallet size. In this case, a special pallet registration number is included in the call row from the customer. This pallet registration number will be shown in the Kanban no. field on rows in the delivery schedules. ).

Import Kanban

Between the delivery note tables you find the button Import Kanban, which is activated only if you have installed adaptation 50 Import Kanban. Kanban is a "quick call" with an ordered quantity for a part that equals one pallet size. In this case, a special pallet registration number is included in the call row from the customer. This pallet registration number will be shown in the Kanban no. field on rows in the delivery schedules. This field only appears if the adaptation has been installed.

Kanban Import can be run automatically using the supplement MONITOR Agent.