You are here: Sales > Orders > Register Customer Order > E-mail


Here you can enter or select an e-mail address to which the order (order confirmation, delivery note) and dispatch advice shall be sent. The address to which the invoice will be sent is displayed but it cannot be changed here.

E-mail is intended for integration of the printout either to an external e-mail program or to a built-in e-mail client in MONITOR, which sends the printout in an e-mail message directly to an e-mail server. The message will be sent according to the setting E-mail sending method, under Fax/E-mail under the System tab in the Settings procedure.

You can register several e-mail addresses per customer as recipients of order confirmations, dispatch advices and invoices/reminders. You can also enter an e-mail address per customer reference.

The e-mail address for orders and dispatch advices is firstly loaded from the first e-mail address row entered as the recipient of order confirmations and dispatch advices on the customer, secondly from the first reference row on the customer and thirdly from the first e-mail address row on the customer that has no definition entered in the field Recipient of.

The e-mail address for the invoice is loaded from the first e-mail row entered as the recipient of invoice/reminder on the customer. The customer code entered in the field Customer code invoice determines to which e-mail address the invoice shall be sent.

If you select Send via e-mail in the Window function, the e-mail address entered here will automatically be sent to the e-mail program, which in turn sends the e-mail to that e-mail address recipient. The order is attached as PDF and XML files to the e-mail message. The XML format is used in for example MONITOR-to-MONITOR.