You are here: Sales > Service Management > Register Basic Data - Service > Costs


In the Costs table you can register an optional number of default cost rows which will be default order rows for this service type. You must first register cost types under the Costs tab.

Cost Types

Here you select cost type for this cost row. Each cost row is given a number when it is registered.


Here you can select among the following pricing methods:

Price List

Here you can select which price list you want to use for this cost row.

Customer Linked Price

Check this box if you want to use a customer linked price for this cost row. This is useful when for example the part number is the actual cost.

When using customer linked price, a check is made during the order registration to see if a part number is set as the cost on the order row. If so, a check is then made to see which price list is set for the customer and the price will accordingly be loaded from that price list. If there is no customer linked price for the part, the price will be loaded from the price list selected in the Price list column in this procedure. If the cost is not a part number, this will be ignored.

Mark-up (%)

Here you enter a mark-up as a percentage value for the cost row, if needed. The mark-up will be added to the price on the order row (however, mark-ups will not be specified on the order documents like discounts for example).

If you have checked the Customer linked price box for this cost row, mark-ups do not apply. Customer linked prices (including any discounts) override mark-ups and determine the price on the order row.