You are here: Sales > Delivery > Delivery List > The Transport Label Tab

The Transport Label Tab

In the same way as under the delivery note tab, the ClosedTransport label tab is activated for printout of transport label per order after saving in the Delivery reporting tab. The form used is the same as in the Print Transport Labels procedure.


The Transport Label tab in the Delivery List procedure.

At the top of the page you can see information regarding the delivered orders such as order number, delivery note number (if a delivery note has been printed and approved), part number and the delivered quantity. This information cannot be modified.

To the right you can see the number of transport labels that will be printed, this value has been calculated from the delivered quantity and quantity/package. The latter value can be changed and a new calculation of the number of copies will then be performed. The quantity per package is updated on the Shipping info tab under the Sales tab in the Update Part procedure. Further to the right there is a check box where you can select whether to make a printout of the row or not. The transport label can be sent via e-mail from this procedure.

Below there are alternatives for which type of transport label to print. The default option here is the selection made for the Transport Label under the form type Sales in the Form Settings procedure in the Global Settings module. Here you can also select whether or not to display the quantity per package on the transport label.

The lower part of the tab consists of a preview window where the transport label of the marked type is displayed for the selected row.