You are here: Sales > Delivery > Delivery List > Show in Pick List

Show in Pick List

The list type Pick List will always create warnings for actions that mean logical errors in relation to how the system is currently updated. You will receive warnings if there is a negative balance, if ordered quantity does not match the quantity per package, if customer order row has no price and if the revision of the order row is not at the location.

The rows displayed in the pick list depend on the combination of different settings. A summary of how these combinations affect the pick list is displayed in the table below.

Please Note that "earlier cleared rows" can include rows that are cleared in connection to the pick list being ordered in combination with clearance. The clearance does not have to be performed on an earlier occasion.


"Only parts without shortage" selected

"Only parts without shortage" not selected


Only earlier cleared rows in the selection.

Only earlier cleared rows in the selection.

not cleared

Only earlier not cleared rows where, per order number, there is sufficient balance for the parts in the selection.

All earlier not cleared rows in the selection.


Earlier cleared rows in the selection and, per order number, the other rows where there is sufficient balance for the parts in the selection.

All rows in the selection.

Only complete orders

Only applies for the Pick list when Only parts without shortage is selected. If this check box is checked, the only orders that will be displayed in the clearance list and in the pick list are the ones where all order rows can be delivered in full. We recommend that you perform clearance on these complete orders as well.

All Stock Locations

If this option is selected, all stock locations for the part are displayed. If the alternative is deselected only the stock locations necessary for the quantity on the order row are displayed. This check box is checked by default if you have activated the setting Show all part locations on pick lists?, under Order / Quotes under the Sales tab in the Settings procedure.

Order Additional Text

This applies only to the Pick list. This option is set by default in the procedure and means that any additional text that is registered in the order header of the customer order will be displayed in the pick list. This text is placed directly below the order information and above the other order rows.

Shipping Info

This applies only to the Pick list. If this check box is checked, any shipping info registered on the parts will be displayed in total per classification term and on the final page a total for the entire selection. If you choose not to show Shipping info, the other columns will be given more space in the pick list.

One Order/Page

This applies only to the Pick list. This check box can be selected if you want to print one order per page.

Additional Address Information

This applies only to the Pick list. By several settings here you can make different selections depending on which address information from the customer order that you want to display in the pick list. By default, the Street/Box 1 and Zip/city 1 fields are displayed.

Additional address information.

Terms of Payment

This applies only to the Pick list. You can choose to show terms of payment in the list.