You are here: Sales > Delivery > Print Delivery Note (Delivered) > Printout Samples

Printout Samples

Here you can see an example of what the delivery note printout may look like. During printout, a delivery note number is generated and displayed at the very top of the delivery note header. The delivery note number applies to all the order rows on the delivery note. When you print delivery address transport labels in the Print Shipping Documents, this delivery note number is used.

After the order number on the delivery note, you will see a slash ( / ) and the serial number for the current delivery for this order. A delivery schedule order can have several partial deliveries, and that is why a serial number is created for each delivery. If the order has been partially delivered, the words Partial delivery made will appear at the bottom of the order header to the left. If it has been final delivered, it will say Final delivery made there instead, as in the sample below.

The order rows will show: Part number, Name and Additional name (if any), Delivery period, Delivery date, Quantity to deliver, Rest quantity and Delivered quantity.

