You are here: Sales > Delivery > Print Delivery Note (Delivered) > General Information about Print Delivery Note (Delivered)

General Information about Print Delivery Note (Delivered)

What Does This Procedure Do?

This procedure is used to print the delivery note for delivered customer order row, that is, for orders that have an invoice basis. The system automatically creates an invoice basis for those orders that have been partially or completely delivered. It is also only the delivered order rows that are included in this delivery note.

If you use delivery schedule orders in your system, then this procedure can be used to print delivery notes for delivered rows. The orders are then usually selected by customer code. That is why the delivery note is adapted to orders that have been partially delivered.

You can also integrate the delivery note printout for delivered rows in connection with the Delivery Reporting. If the system setting Print delivery note for delivered rows upon delivery? is activated, under Orders / Quotes on the Sales in the Settings procedure, a question will always appear when you deliver report an order row, asking if you want to print a delivery note for the delivered rows. The delivery note can be sent via e-mail from this procedure.

Useful Tips When Adjusting Rest Quantity on Rows

If you have activated the alternative Invoice basis in the Log Selection procedure, then it is possible to change the rest quantity on partially delivered order rows when merging several partial deliveries into one invoice row. In the Register Invoices Directly procedure you can delete partially delivered rows, enter the requested quantity and via the Info menu select to Change rest quantity in order to adjust/delete the rest quantity in the form Delivery note - delivered. These changes can be displayed in the Modification Log List.

Managing the Window

The Search Form in this procedure consists of two portions. In the left portion of the window, you have the opportunity to select the printout by entering an interval of customer orders, customer codes or delivery note numbers. If you leave these fields empty, the system will print all the delivered order rows for those orders that have an invoice basis. You can also enter the printout date and number of copies to be printed. In the right portion of the window, you can uncheck (deselect) individual orders. When the right portion of the window is activated, you can also click on Preview to preview the printout.

Also see the description of the two different methods to print delivery notes for delivered order rows. "Preliminary selection" and "Direct printing via intervals".

Customer Order Status

An order always has a particular "status", depending at what stage the order is in the system. Once the order is registered it is given status 1. When the order confirmation is printed and approved, it is given Status 2. The following order status options exist for customer orders:

The status of an order determines how and if it can be printed here. You can only print orders with status 5 or 9 here. This is because only these orders actually have an invoice basis.

Window Functions

Read more about the Window functions under Window Functions in the MONITOR Basics guide.