You are here: Sales > Delivery > Print Shipping Documents > Package Rows

Package Rows

In the middle of the waybill, you must enter each package on rows. You can also enter the package rows under the Pkge heading in the Basic data tab, which will automatically transfer the information to the correct place on the waybill.

Classify Package Rows

You can classify the package rows by using the Classify pkge rows button and also switch back with the Normal package button. This feature is useful when you have many package rows. The rows are classified by package type (Method of packaging) and goods type (Nature of the goods). Weight, volume and quantity is added together. Goods labeling (Marks and nos) and statistical number are not displayed at the classification. When the rows are classified you cannot edit them.

Goods Label

In box 6 you enter the goods labeling / marks and nos or number for separate goods labeling of each package. You can configure which goods labeling that should be loaded by default from the orders using the Load as goods label on shipping documents under the Shipping heading under the Sales tab in the Settings procedure.

Packages / Number of packages

In box 7 you enter the number of packages.

Package Type

In box 8 you enter the method of packing.

Goods Type

In box 9 you enter the nature of the goods.

Statistical Number

In box 10 you enter the statistical goods number (customs tariff).

Gross Weight

In box 11 you enter the gross weight in kg. In the corresponding field under the Pkge heading in the Basic data tab, there is a calculator to help you calculate the gross weight.


In box 12 you enter the volume of the goods in cubic meters (m3).